Sunday, 23 September 2018

Spin In 2019

Join us for our 30th annual Spin In on Tuesday, October 1 from 10:00-3:00 at St. John's United Church, 50 Bridge St. W, Campbellford, Ont. $5.00 admission. Bring your spinning wheel, knitting or rug hooking or what ever craft you carry and spend the day with others who share your interests. There will be door prizes and draws. Buy a lamb burger or lamb sausage for lunch. Browse through the gorgeous wares of our vendors. And enjoy coffee and tea with a homemade sweet treat made by our members. Don't miss this event!

Yarn Festival at the Mill

The Warkworth Spinners and Weavers guild was well represented today at the Yarn at the Mill Festival in Castleton. We had nine spinners demonstrating our skills and fielding questions from the visitors. We had a very comprehensive display table with spinning, weaving and knitting items along with natural dyed wool from Marie. Grace did a skirting demonstration after a shearing demo and Jackie did a sock knitting machine demonstration. As you can see from the pictures it was a rather cool day but highly enjoyable. We had many people interested in what we do and several showed interest in becoming new spinners.

Thursday, 20 September 2018

More from Elmhirst

We had so much fun here are a few more pictures to share.
Photos by Marie Alexander